Sunday, November 18, 2012

Benefits of Getting an RN Nursing Degree Online

Even in today's tough job market, an online RN nursing degree is extremely promising and a good thing to have. After all, these days, it seems like a lot of people are nervous about the fact that the economy has been on the downturn and there simply does not seem to be such a thing as job security anymore. However, the truth is that nursing is one of just a few fields that will essentially always be in high demand, as there is always a need for people to assist doctors and patients in hospitals, physician's offices, and many other settings. So if you have been in limbo about whether or not you are going to go for this degree, now is the time to get it figured out.
One major road block that tends to get in people's way when they are trying to get a nursing degree--or any degree, for that matter--is that they simply do not feel as though they have the time to attend classes on campus. However, the good news is that there are a lot of accredited schools and universities out there these days that offer online classes and full online degrees, with Nursing being one of them. So even for those who are busy with taking care of a family, working full time, or both can attend classes on their own time and work towards obtaining their RN nursing degree.
The most common degree in nursing that people strive to obtain is a Bachelor's degree, which is essentially the first step to becoming an RN. Obtaining one of these degrees usually takes about four years, but it can be done in more or less time, depending on how many classes and credit hours you are willing to take. However, once you have your Bachelor's, you may even want to consider furthering your education even more to make your job prospects that much better. Still, with a degree in Nursing, you could typically find a job right out of school and be making a decent salary as well.
So if you think that an online school would be right for you in going for your rn nursing degree onlinea, then the next step you are going to want to take is to find a school that is right for you. For starters, ensure that the school is accredited, which is necessary in order for your degree to mean much of anything. Some reputable schools that offer these degrees include Indiana State University, Colorado Technical University, Liberty University and Post University. However, there are also many others who offer this specific degree and a great online experience that will teach you how to become a qualified and knowledgeable nurse in the field.
Overall, if you enjoy helping people and would like to work in the medical field, then obtaining a degree in nursing by taking online classes could be perfect for you and your future career outlook. So be sure to find a school that is right for you and that offers an RN nursing degree. Good luck!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pregnant Moms Can Make a Difference

If you had to guess, how many professionals would you say you might meet during one stay at the hospital? Two or three? Five or six? Well, I did a brainstorm and came up with TEN! And for each of those ten categories, you might see three or four different people during your stay there,depending how long it is. That is 40 different people you will be sharing your birth experience with.
Now for some folks, meeting new people is no problem. Others of you might not even mind meeting people when you are not feeling your very best. And others of you might even feel comfortable meeting new people when you are wearing a thin not-so-terrific-looking greenish gown that doesn't completely close in the back AND you are not feeling your best.
Even if you feel comfortable with new people, for some people, just walking into the hospital can make them nervous. You associate hospitals with being sick, something yucky, and even scary. "White coat hypertension", otherwise known as getting really nervous when you go to the doctor, is a real phenomenon. So when you get to the hospital to have your baby, nervousness or fear are automatically triggered in your brain. Add to that a bunch of unfamiliar people, not to mention that you are going to have your baby now and this isn't a "drill", and who wouldn't be nervous or even afraid?
But for those of you who MIGHT have some nervousness about all this or who might be thinking, "WHAT????", I have some good news. There is a solution and it's something that is easy and free for you.
So what's the problem with a little fear or nervousness? From the perspective of a pregnant mom, a problem with the nervousness and fear is that it can contribute to the "fear-pain" cycle. The fear-pain cycle has to do with activation of a bunch of chemicals in your body via FEAR that create more PAIN. Pain itself is actually made up of two distinct parts, and this is helpful to understand when you are thinking of the fear-pain cycle. There is the part where nerves send signals up your spinal column to your brain telling it to tell you, "That hurts!" Then there is the MORE important part, the part where you are about to make a difference, and that is the part where your brain sends signals back down to the painful area and actually BLOCKS those signals coming up to it. Your amazing brain will STOP THE PAIN, or at least decrease it.
Probably the easiest and most important way to decrease your fear and anxiety is through relaxation. Yes, you may be laughing right now and saying, "If I could relax, I wouldn't be feeling fear and anxiety!!" This is a two-part answer. One is that you need to practice particular relaxation techniques and the other is that you need a partner to REMIND you very gently to activate those techniques as there this a good chance that a) you will forget because you are about to have your baby and b) You will not recognize that you are feeling tense because you are about to have your baby and you have other things on your mind.
Remember all those people I mentioned at the beginning of this article? That's another reason why your partner is key in having a smart, confident birth. He or she is a familiar anchor for you, a reminder to you to use your relaxation techniques, a signal to your brain that everything is okay. And all of those things will automatically activate your brain to send signals down your spinal cord to tell any pain you might be having that it actually doesn't hurt, leaving you feeling calm and confident and leaving your body to "do its thing" in labor and help you and your doctor to safely deliver your healthy baby.
Relaxation is taught and, most importantly, practiced in childbirth education classes. This is important, because the more you practice relaxation, the better you will be at it and the quicker you will be able to activate your brain to tell pain to stop or decrease. There are a variety of techniques for relaxation as well, and you may find some of them are a better "fit" for you than others.
So even though the people and setting of the hospital may be unfamiliar to you, once you and your partner learn the technique of relaxation, YOU will be more confident in your birth experience.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Solving Water Contamination Problems At Venice Beach

When the beaches of Venice started experiencing excessive contamination, local officials suspected a common source: human feces. However, that wasn't the case. After studying six DNA samples, they also ruled out dog and bird wastes as the cause of the problem. The next step was to make an educated guess as to what was causing the pollution, and by process of elimination, tests pointed a finger at rat and raccoon feces. Case solved? Hardly! Whereas they could have repaired compromised sewer lines, how can you tell a wild creature where to do his duty?
Anyone might conclude that the Department of Health was overjoyed to finally know the reason behind the higher-than-acceptable levels of fecal coliform and enterococcus bacteria. The fact that there had been no rain yet the worst of the pollution had been concentrated near two pipes which were used to drain storm water into the gulf had them stymied. Then they discovered that the water flow into the area was caused by homeowners watering their lawns since there was no rain. This clean water was particularly appealing to thirsty wildlife who congregated at the mouth of these pipes in order to drink during dry periods of time.
The good news here was the fact that human swimmers are less likely to contract diseases from animal feces. However, the problem in general wasn't good, and engineers had to come up with ways to cut down on the contamination. A common misconception is that screens can be used to stop wildlife getting into pipes such as these. True, it's a solution that could work except for the fact that screens clog with debris which, during heavy rainfall, could cause the sewers to back up.
The solution that seems to be working best so far is keeping watch of the amounts of contamination in these areas. If a problem build-up of bacteria is found, city workers can be assigned the task of cleaning out the pipes. Unfortunately, operating this aggressive maintenance procedure has escalated costs to unacceptable levels. A permanent fix would be far less costly, that is provided a viable one can be found.
Starting in August, the city plans to try revamping the way the sewer system runs in order to stop the accumulation of bacteria. By rerouting two of the worst water runs so as to detour them through a shallow swale, the water will percolate into the sand, the ultraviolet rays of the sun will help to break down the colonies of bacteria. Two other water systems will be connected to vaults where the water will be filtered and UV treated before being pumped offshore.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Don't Crow About a Cure for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is incurable! That is the stark reality for anyone who has a child diagnosed at birth – along with the knowledge that their lives will be inexorably affected by whatever caused the disorder.
Although around one in ten babies born with cerebral palsy (CP) will be affected by some sort of birth injury, it is now considered that other causes, mainly some instance of damage to the brain while the baby is developing in the womb, are the most common reasons for CP in infants.
When you are learning about what the disorder will mean for you and your child, many things will be talked about – therapies, surgeries, medication – but, unfortunately, no cure. And although it is good to know that advancements in these specifics, as well as equipment, education and even attitudes to disabled people are occurring all the time, cerebral palsy is still firmly on the incurable list.
So, it was with some trepidation that I read about a new treatment, being pioneered in the US, claiming to have found a cure.
The study, published in the Science Translational Medicine journal, tells of experiments which helped cerebral-palsied rabbits to regain "almost... normal mobility levels" by the use of nanomedicine (the medical application of nanotechnology – matter on a molecular scale).
If you are affected by an illness or injury the reporting of these so-called cures and miracle studies can be really dangerous. You have to steal yourself into not pinning too much hope on them, but when you read a headline like "Special brain treatment may help the 750,000 US children and adults suffering from cerebral palsy", you can't help but take a small intake of breath and hope with all your heart.
Like countless other trials and studies before it, for all manner of drugs and procedures, this new study has been carried out by a promising-sounding group of medics from some of the US's top study and healthcare centres.
It involves injecting a drug, used for its anti-inflammatory properties, into rabbits' brains via microscopic molecules called dendrimers to specifically target the damaged areas of brain tissue.
The authors say they have proved that rabbits suffering cerebral palsy-like symptoms which received the treatment within six hours of being born underwent dramatic improvements in motor-function.
Apparently, rabbits were used for the research because their brains are closest to humans in that their development takes place partially in the womb and carries on after birth. So, the authors say, there is now an indication that humans may have a "window in time" straight after birth where the damage in the brain can be identified and targeted with a nano-device.
In the various articles I sought out regarding this new technique it was quite clearly stated in all of them that the medics and researchers know they are still some way off being able to provide humans with a treatment for cerebral palsy – so, why do writers of such medical articles feel the need to headline their pieces with such misleading language.
As a reader, and party with an interest in cerebral palsy, all I really want to know is that research is being done, and for their efforts I am thankful to the authors of this study. However, what I do not want is false hope. And for a writer to blithely suggest that this breakthrough "brain treatment" may help those already suffering from cerebral palsy is an inaccuracy of the cruellest order.
Yes, the study has promise. Yes, the authors have proven efficacy in their fields. But, no amount of nanomedicine is going to help those who are living with cerebral palsy now, or those babies, and their families, who will be born with CP in the near future. For these people, the reality is intrathecal baclofen therapy, diazepam, botulinum toxin and selective dorsal rhizotomy – and the seeking of brain injury compensation to help pay for such treatments – because there is no cure for cerebral palsy in the here and now, and these are the realities that CP sufferers and their families face.
So, my request to medical journalists and writers out there is please, please, please be more speculative with your headlines. Don't shout about running when the authors of the research you are reporting upon have not yet said they can walk. Please do not grab at phrases such as "almost... normal mobility" and plant them in the first sentences on a report which suggests that there is a cure on the horizon for a disorder which has thus far been deemed incurable.
Cerebral Palsy is a cruel disorder which wreaks havoc on lives and robs families of "almost... normal" lives. Headlines and news stories purporting miracles really do not help.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Busting Up Bake Sales

If someone wants an issue to be front and center in American politics-do something to make Moms mad. The Obama Administration's latest front in the battle against obesity, is the regulation of snacks and food that are not the requisite breakfast and lunch. First up on the firing line is the beloved bake sale.
In an era of dwindling resources for public schools, bake sales are often the lifeblood of parent organizations, interest clubs and students saving for class trips. While obviously not the bastion of health consciousness, they are capable of bringing in serious money for cash-strapped school with some schools reporting they were able to raise up to $50,000. So what is a regulator to do? Address the rapidly rising rates of childhood obesity or anger Moms and students alike with an all out ban?
Unfortunately, like too many issues mired inside the Beltway, this is not an either or situation. It is, however, one that requires leadership willing to address the real issues instead of dealing with Band-Aid solutions. So what's going on here?
As much from a perspective as a Mom as well as a leadership expert, it seems most politicians are unwilling to discuss the fundamental importance of effective parenting in the outcomes for children. Regulators and advocates try to skirt this issue by addressing touchy subjects with overarching approaches that end up failing everyone. Blanket approaches are taken to address one issue that ends up causing another-or more. Preaching to families to eat healthy foods is great and if there is no culture, resources or real-life reference points to support a switch to fruits and vegetables from junk food, it simply isn't going to happen. (Moreover, the real issue is what is going on in the lives of these families, that is the parents, that they anesthetize themselves and their kids with food, rather than opting to live healthy, balanced lives.)
So in an effort to address obesity in families that clearly needing broader support than admonitions to eat more greens, the political answer comes in the form of banning a cultural tradition that many enjoy. Perhaps the Department of Agriculture could consider the following leadership basics of building support and real-life solutions:
· Create Connections: No greater network exists than parents of school-age children. Many would agree with the basic precepts of healthy eating and encouraging that behavior in the schools and no one wants to be told they can't do something they have always done and enjoyed. Talk with those who will be impacted by your decision before the news stories hit the stands.
· Manage the Pace of Change: While change is fundamental to life, people can only take so much at one time. Has anyone at the USDA talked to the Department of Education to find out how much money is being cut from schools? Perhaps a bit snarky, and yet, when a group is already under siege attacking a tradition can be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
· Create Buy-In: Change doesn't take place by telling other people what to do, change happens, as people are inspired to make other choices. By engaging parents and schools in genuine discussions around healthy eating across the spectrum of students' lives new approaches and workable solutions can more easily be found.
· Engage Everyone's Talents and Skills: One of the biggest complaints against federal regulation is the feeling that someone without any connection to a person's neighborhood or town, is making decisions for them. If incentives were put in place to encourage local strategies what one school does may look different than another and in the end, a customized approach that creates results is much better than a blanket policy the is the target of ridicule, aspersions and avoidance.
I am all in favor of improving the quality of food our children consume and I would be the first to say a drastic decline in the prevalence of processed foods would serve everyone. The point of this article is that superficial strategies like banning bake sales serves no one. For the children that are consuming large quantities of sweet, fattening foods they will get it, if not from a bake sale then somewhere else. For families that maintain a more balanced diet and few dollars for a plate of cookies is a win-win.
True leadership evolves at the level at which the issue exists. Each school needs a vibrant, engaged parent body that is willing to examine the situation of their particular school and make appropriate "policies" for each situation. Perhaps asking for a variety of baked goods that include fruit, whole grains and other more wholesome ingredients is a good start. For others it may be including fruits and vegetables in their offering and some schools may find other ways of raising money. By taking leadership out of the hands of those who are living with the issue, we disempower the very people we need to be more engaged with it-the parents.
The solution to the problems we face as a nation will not be found, nor created inside the Beltway. It is important for each person to engage their leadership in their lives and starting by addressing healthy eating habits is a good-and easy place to do it. Let's hope the government encourages leadership and doesn't squelch it.
Kathleen Schafer is at the forefront of leadership development with more than 20 years experience. Grounded in the rough and tumble world of politics, experienced in business, honed in academia and broadened by her own journey to create a balanced life, she brings remarkable insights on how individuals can develop their leadership potential to successfully create productive and fulfilling lives. Kathleen personal presence in one-on-one coaching, seminars, and keynote presentations transforms peoples perspective on what they can accomplish and how to walk it in the real world everyday. Her leadership tools are simple, easy to understand allow you to quickly integrate them into your life, starting now!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tips in Choosing the Right Dentist for You

There are many people who are on a quest to find the best dentist for them. However, how will you get the one that will offer you the best patient care?
If you are on a search for a dentist, do not forget that healthy teeth are not just about looking good. It's more about being healthy. Your teeth are a part of your body and their health can greatly affect your body in general too. So with this in mind, if you are hunting for a dentist, it's essential that you take this task as seriously as if you were looking for a full time doctor. There are some considerations that you must bear in your mind to find the right dentist for your oral needs.
One of the best ways to start your journey in finding the best dentist is through the recommendations of your family and trusted friends. Getting their references can give you a fresh new start to find the right dentist for you. They can give you firsthand advice from a person that had personal experience with the dental provider. The information that you will get from them is more valid and it is confirmed. They can give you advice on which dental office you should choose to get the best service available for you and your family.
Upon visiting the dental clinic for the first time, one thing that will give you a good impression is the cleanliness of their area. Of course if their space, tools and equipment are well cleaned and organized it can also mean that they also have the ability to give safe and top quality patent service, too. This is one of the things that you should keep an eye out for. In addition to that, never be afraid to ask about their sterilization procedures, making sure that the tools and equipments used in their dental procedures are clean and sterile. By asking questions, you can ease your mind concerning how they safely practice dental procedures.
Another thing that you will consider is the suitability of the dentist to your lifestyle. Like, for example, the distance of their office to your house. It is much easier to go regularly if it will only take you few minutes to get to the dental clinic. The availability of emergency care is also a must to check, so that you will know where to go to in times of emergency and urgent dental needs.
Lastly, check the credibility and proficiency of the dentist. See to it that they have undergone proper training and education. This will determine how skillful and knowledgeable they are. A dentist that keeps up with the current dental news and procedures is a plus factor. Dentistry is constantly evolving and an efficient dentist should have the modern knowledge about what the latest dental standards are these days. Most importantly, verify if they have a license to practice dental care.
If you use these tips when you are searching for a good dentist, it will be a lot easier to find one. Take time to do thorough research before settling on a dentist. You will surely find the best and the most efficient one in your area.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Conversion of a website to mobile app is easy, simple and convenient for enterprises to empower business processes. Mobile websites provides data, images and video and leverage the device-specific hardware features like GPS, camera, contacts, accelerometer, and gyroscope. Mobile apps can be installed and distributed on either Apple App Store or Android Market. A smartphone app can run without an internet connection and has the ability to store local data offline (caching). Here are the detailed features and functions of mobile web apps:
  • Rich user experience with unique look and feel optimized for mobile
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Optimize website for more than one phone or screen size
  • Supports advanced features such as Multimedia, WiFi and 3G
  • GPS, Accelerometer, camera capabilities
  • Supports widgets or interactive content
  • Filtered search
  • Portrait and landscape orientation
  • Easy to install and download apps
  • Social Media and bookmarking integrated
  • Supports online shopping
  • Streamlined mobile version of website with unique look and feel
Professional mobile developers can design, develop, test and deploy mobile web apps, with the same look and feel of native apps. A prototyped native app works on a variety of mobile platforms like iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry using a single code base. Enterprises can make use of the latest mobile technology to design and develop mobile apps with a streamlined interface. You can leverage different cross-platform frameworks to create mobile applications and deliver mobile user experience because your app performs just like native apps.
Here are some of the benefits of developing mobile apps:
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Optimize website for more than one phone or screen size
  • Supports advanced features such as Multimedia, WiFi/3G, GPS, Accelerometer, camera, and contacts
  • Widgets support
  • Filtered search
  • Analytics support for tracking visitors through devices, content preferences and usage patterns
  • Portrait and landscape orientation
  • Easy to install and download apps
  • Develop and deploy cross-platform mobile apps with re-usable mobile components
  • Social Media and bookmarking integrated
  • Supports online shopping
  • Cost and scalability advantage
Enterprises can engage their mobile development team and develop custom web applications for different operating systems and a variety of mobile devices. A mobile developer can build custom mobile web applications in different categories including:
• Business
• Social Networking
• Music & Entertainment
• Gaming
• Education
• News
• Maps & Navigation